The Philosophy curricula serve to prepare students for real challenges in a complex, diverse world. The faculty understands that the leaders of tomorrow must be critical thinkers who will be expected to act as concerned, morally responsible citizens.



Develop responsible ethical agents.


Train critical thinkers


Expose students to the history of philosophical thought


Show students how various philosophical views apply to daily life experiences.


PHIL 100 CRITICAL THINKING. This course focuses on developing skills in logical reasoning, analysis and evaluation. Critical thinking is the number one ability sought after by employers across the board, and the number expectation of an undergraduate education. This class gives the students the tools, terminology, and techniques to develop their own reasoning abilities to think critically and skeptically about issues in any field. (3) T1 CT

PHIL 231 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY. An examination of basic concepts and principles of philosophy with emphasis on developing the students’ ability to analyze philosophical theory and consider the possibilities of personal application. The course will focus on representative thinkers from classical to modern philosophers. (3) T1 CT

PHIL 235 ETHICS. A study of the various theories concerning the nature of morality; Contemporary ethical issues will be investigated in depth. The students will be challenged to consider the application of ethical concepts to their individual and professional lives. Prerequisites: ENGL 132. (3) T1 CT

PHIL 375 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHILOSOPHY. This course introduces students to a particular philosophical topic in some detail. This seminar style class encourages students to apply critical reasoning to a topic of contemporary interest: for example, Terrorism, Race, Just War; of specific philosophical interest: African American Philosophy, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion or focusing on the work of a notable philosopher, Immanuel Kant, Plato, Aristotle, etc. Topics vary semester to semester. Honors credit is available for any special topic with permission of the instructor. (3) T1 CT