All members of the SAU community who are coming to campus, including students, faculty, staff and visitors, should check the COVID-19 symptom list first:
- Do you have new muscle aches not related to another medical condition or another specific activity (e.g. due to physical exercise)?
- Do you feel like you may have a temperature of greater than 100.0°F?
- Do you have sore throat, runny nose and/or congestion not related to another medical condition (e.g. allergies)?
- Do you have a new or worsening cough that is not related to another medical condition?
- Do you have shortness of breath that is not attributable to another medical condition?
- Do you have recent (<5 days) loss of smell and taste?
- Do you have new onset of vomiting or diarrhea not related to another medical condition?
- Have you had recent close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, immediately self-isolate and contact your medical provider or if you are a student contact the Gordon Health Center. Please do not attend class, work or other campus activities.
The Gordon Health Center can be reached at 919.516.4142. If you are an employee, please notify the Office of Human Resources and your supervisor.
Employees are required to utilize sick, vacation, or medical leave (without pay) for absences due to COVID-19. Employees that are enrolled in University’s short-term disability benefits can contact the benefit provider to determine coverage.