Currently there is no single source that provides all funding opportunities; however, there are several external websites and database that may assist by providing a more comprehensive search for grant funding.
Stay current on federal funding announcements through these resources:
- gov: Reflects all federal grant programs.
- NSF: Email subscription to NSF announcements (customizable)
- NSF Advanced Funding search
- Broadening Participation at NSF is a performance area focused on expanding efforts to increase participation from underrepresented groups and diverse institutions. Learn about current, previous & continuing funding opportunities in Broadening Participation Portfolio
- United State Department of Defense
- United State Department of Education
- United State Department of Health & Service
- American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
- Open Science Framework is a free, open platform to support your research and enable collaboration. Discover projects, data, materials, and collaborators on OSF that might be helpful to your own research, including previously used research measurements.
- Match Your Research Abstract to NIH Study Sections: You can use the NIH RePORTER tool to:
- find previously-funded grants that have similarities to your proposed research, and
- to identify the study sections that handled those grants.
- Just copy and paste an abstract of your proposed research effort into the Text Search box (up to 2,500 characters), to get a list of all projects related to your idea.
- If you follow a specific agency, check their website to see if they have alerting features.