23 Sep 2014

Saint Augustine’s University alumnus delivers Convocation Address

Saint Augustine’s University alumnus delivers Convocation Address

Saint Augustine’s University officially opened the 2014-2015 academic with its annual fall convocation ceremony with keynote presenter, alumnus Dr. Brian O. Hemphill, president of West Virginia State University.

Dr. Hemphill, a member of the Class of 1992, gave an inspirational message that energized the student body to remember to embrace their opportunities at Saint Augustine’s University. “While you’re a student at Saint Augustine’s University, embrace the opportunities, set long-term goals and remember to remain focused,” Hemphill said.

Hemphill also shared with students, faculty, staff and alumni how a family member stated that he would not make it in college and that he would be home in a few months after enrolling in Saint Augustine’s University. After hearing that, he was even more determined to be a success. “I was a first generation college student,” Hemphill shared with the audience. “Those negative comments I heard from a family member was part of the motivation I needed to be successful. The education I received at Saint Augustine’s University placed me on a path where doors opened.”

Damarian Henderson, a criminal justice major from Goldsboro, NC, felt inspired by Hemphill’s message. “I was impressed how he overcame his obstacles of people doubting him,” Henderson said. “He is a role model for all college students. As students, we should strive to be successful every day.”

Re’shae Green, a sophomore majoring in theatre from Largo, Md. and the Queen of the Sophomore Class., echoed Henderson’s thoughts.

“I learned that it does not matter where you live or who doubts you because you can do and become anything you put your mind to.”